• Use a variant of the hypnotic gaze induction:
- make and maintain calm, fixed, and unrelenting eye contact
- notice when their eyes start to defocus (that’s their escape into a trance)
- make sure it is a friendly stare (don’t get aggressive or weird!)
•Do your pre talk whilst maintaining your gaze.
• Use the “voodoo technique”: do everything with such a strong air of importance so that
people read significance into it. If you weave enough significance into something the
power of the suggestions will be enhanced.
How To Use Suggestion To Achieve Your Goal
This is a very rapid and authoritive style of hypnosis, called prestige hypnosis. It is best to stick
to very direct suggestions like: “You arm is locked” or “You will feel great”
Develop a feel for infinite possibilities
Get them to draw a significant lesson out of the experience “as the days go buy you will start
feeling better and more self assured.”
Like the closing scene of the TV show “The Walton’s”, finish with a powerful lesson that will
dramatically improve their future.
Benedictions – v – Maledictions
A malediction is a “hypnotic curse.” It is a negative suggestion that burrows into someone’s
mind and ends up creating limitations or unpleasant consequences. It usually happens by
accident: perhaps a teacher criticises a child’s painting implying that she’s a dreadful artist, and
years later the girl has grown up vowing never to draw again.
To avoid maledictions: If you are going to criticise never criticise the person, only criticise the
behaviour whilst reinforcing a positive attitude towards the person.
A benediction is the opposite of a malediction. It is a “Hypnotic Blessing.” Instead of the
malediction: “You are useless” A benediction would be “I believe in you.” When offered in a
hypnotic context (even a naturally occuring one) it has the power to dramatically change
someone’s life for the better!
The Hypnotic Pep Talk
To use a benedictions as a Hypnotic Pep Talk:
• Use your hypnotic gaze
• Go first: allow yourself to become overtaken by your positive message
• Be animated and passionate, unrelenting with your positive intentions
• Keep hammering away at them:
- with your gaze
- with praise/your positive message
• Eventually they will “escape” into a positive trance!
Steps For The Benediction
- Give general self esteem suggestions, make them feel good about who they are as a person
- Do your hypnotic pep talk
- Put in a bright new future: “As a result of XYZ you will be richer, healthier, happier etc.”
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hypnosis learning
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